
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Why you shouldn't watch Teen Titans Go...

Teen Titans Go is a children’s cartoon that follows the adventures of a diverse cast of heroes known as the Teen Titans.
The Teen Titans.
Image from the Teen Titans Go Wikia.
This show does a fantastic job of parodying the original Teen Titans by turning the characters into more laid-back and fun individuals who aren’t as intense as what the original series portrayed them as.  Each hero had a role to fill, making the team feel complete.  However, the thing that causes this cartoon to fall short from its recommendation is its lack of variety and its humor.  Each of the episodes feel the same in terms of villains, locations, and sometimes even the plot.  These episodes seem to follow the same formula story-wise.  I haven't quite decoded what that formula is, but it could be a really large part of why the episodes feel the same.  It also might be because the art style is a little too repetitive or simplistic.
This couch angle is in nearly every episode.
Screenshot taken from Episode 1, Season 1.
Aside from the episode structure, the humor just felt unfunny and cringe-worthy.  Many “jokes” that were made throughout the series felt forced and unnatural, and you could really tell that they were trying so hard to be funny.  In the end, it just doesn’t turn out as the comedic, enjoyable show it tries to be.  If Teen Titans Go is supposed to be a funnier, more calm version of its predecessor, then it fails to do one of the jobs it’s supposed to fulfill, and that is actually making me laugh.  Unfortunately, this show gets a 3.5 out of 5 for me because of its lack of cleverly written jokes, and its uninspired episode ideas.  Overall, you're better off watching the original Teen Titans.
3.5 Robins out of 5.
(my own image)
If you wanna see some episodes yourself, click HERE.
Thanks for reading and I hope to see you again in my next post.


  1. I agree that the story lines are repetitive and the same, but you have to admit, it is a great show.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. And your blog is fun to read. You met all the requirments and your blog just makes me want to read more. Great blog.

  4. I enjoy watching the 2003 teen titans and I agree with you that this show deserves a 3.5 out of 5 because this show is mainly for kid but when it's on tv i leave it on sometimes

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. (continuation of other comment) The pictures you added can really show how the plot in most episodes goes nowhere. The 3.5 robins was pretty funny.

  6. I agree that the story line is repetitive but it is still amusing and entertaining. Ansel your blog is awesome It it so fun to read and it makes me want to read more. Awesome blog dude.

  7. Great blog Casey I agree when you said that the Jokes qare cringe worthy because a lot of them just are not funny. I like the old Teen Titans too way better than the newer version
