Clarence is an animated sitcom about the life of a boy named Clarence and his strange school friends. The humor is relatively gross, which is usually what I'd expect from children's shows who want to attract more boys. Sometimes, there are jokes that aren't based on disgusting things. In fact, they do make subtle nods and references to other shows like that one time where Clarence's stepdad Chad had his head shaved causing him to look like Homer Simpson. He stubs his toe and yells the famous catchphrase, "D'OH!". That's it for the humor, it isn't really bad, or really good.
Image from Tumblr. |
Image from Clarence Wikia. |
Jeff, I have absolutely no problem with. The voice acting is decent, his character design isn't too boring, and he just isn't super annoying. You know who is super annoying, though, Sumo. The voice actor probably has vocal chord problems from constantly doing his voice. Sumo's voice sounds like he's growling very low while talking. Once you get past that, however, he is a slightly interesting character and he balances the group out pretty well.
This show is very "eh" in general (meaning that it isn't good, nor is it bad). I don't see this show lasting too long, but it is pretty charming and engrossing after the first episode. If you like really weird animated sitcoms, then you'll probably like this one. I give this cartoon a 3/5 because the show just feels so average and uninspired overall.
Image from Pinterest. |
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